Superflat Single #37 / Harpoon
Harpoon is back, in an even more electronically processed form. You know, I work with The Boats, I know The Boats, I've been to The Boats' parties where I felt lonely because there were too many graphic designers there. And The Boats has made some cool tracks in his day, but this is one of his best. I'd probably name it the Superflat Single of the year if I wasn't so egotistical. (Hey: at least I made more. Quantity trumps quality. Every year.)
The Boats is our drummer in Harpoon. He's like an Eighties band's drummer: his drums are inside metal boxes. But he made this track from 5 or 6 of our recorded jams, which he cut up into tiny digital McNuggets and then refried in Reason, adding Sweet'n'sour sauce, and Hot Mustard. This track is what he came up with. The microdots he extracted from our jams, he turned into a track that sounds like nothing we've ever made, or could make, in Harpoon.
Enjoy the virtual violence....
blipsandifs037.mp3 - 5.37 MB